Tuesday 5 April 2011

Features of music video's/post modernism - discussion in relation to our music video [By Louise]

  • Non linear narration = temporal leaps/fragmented storyline is a common feature of post modernism films.
This is incorporated into our music video as the gig, which supposedly happens at the end of the day, is shown all of the way through the video as the narrative characters are travelling towards this.
  • Copious references/allusions/pastiche/bricolage to other media texts.
It could be argued that we have alluded to the teenage drama 'skins' at the beginning when the narrative characters awake in a place of disarray and mess created by the mise-en-scene etc. We have not alluded to many other texts however as we wanted our music video to be quite realistic in terms of content, which could allow us in the editing process to be more experimental and creative. The reason for being that the other 'east London ska' video's we have watched have followed a similar pattern and thus we are following the conventions of this genre. However we did feel that these video's did not seem to maintain the audiences attention very well and so we have ensured that our editing and footage is enjoyable to watch and allows the audience to focus. We are also following conventions of music video's on the whole, what with fast tempo/falling on-the-beat edits, de-focusing etc.
  • Unusual yet realistic Dialogue - throws the audience out of sync. Also, not necessarily used to further plot or develop character - simply to entertain.
This is somewhat the case with the characters in Camden (skipping school) as the audience do not really engage with them emotionally and just view the fun time they are having (almost like a montage) The dialogue is majorly realistic and not too unusual but, again this fits the genre.
  • Mocking conventions of media texts e.g. cinema. E.g. camera movements may be unusual - i.e. not following two people as they are walking/talking, but letting them walk of screen, yet still allowing the audience to hear diegetic dialogue.
We do refer to other forms of technology during our music video such as the social networking site 'facebook' and the use of mobile phones as a form of communication as well as to record on, however this is not mocking and is more of a neutral pastiche element. We often allow the camera to shake in this music video to allow the audience to realise they are viewing a piece of media text, however this effect is also used in the gig part of the video which we, personally, believe allows the audience to be more drawn in as they may feel as if they are in the gig/crowd themselves. We often bisect our characters bodies at unusual parts in order to confuse the audience once more.
  • Main characters may not necessarily be stereotypical hero's. E.g. they could be a violent criminal but features such as humour/dialogue could still encourage the audience to sympathise with these characters. Perhaps also as the film treats such behaviour as normal and lets you into the characters world.
Our characters are rebellious teenagers who bunk school but i believe the audience is able to sympathise with them.

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